Adventures in Catsitting

My friend has arrived back home after three weeks away and wants her cat back. So I am sad. I am going to miss that guy! He taught me something new about my relationship with cats, and I was surprised by that.

I have had a lifelong love affair with cats. I have been owned by one or more cats for most of my life. And now, I help Cats in Tow to help more cats find their forever homes. I love cats! I love their antics, their personalities, snuggle time, just having them in my home. However, I am not owned by any cats right now. I lost a very dear kitty a few years ago and these few years have meant a lot of changes in terms of living situation.

I have been contemplating warming my home with a furry presence for a while but was not sure my current space would really accommodate a cat – or two as my plan currently involves. I shared this contemplation last spring in a series of posts on this blog. If you would like to refresh your memory or are new, here is a link to the last of the series ‘Time for a New Addition’. So when my friend said she was going away for three weeks and needed a temporary home for her sweet guy, Aldi, I thought it was a great idea to have a house guest.

I have never met a cat I did not enjoy, but as I said Aldi surprised me. I will talk about the surprises and what I learned in the next few weeks. In the meantime, if anyone would like to share their stories of furry house guests, whether caring for a friend’s pet(s) or as a foster home, we would love to hear!


Make yourself at home, Aldi!


Friday Fun: A Cat’s Meow

Why do cats meow?  Cats do not meow to each other, nor do wild cats meow.  Meows specifically developed as a way for cats to communicate with humans.  But what are they saying?

Most of us have learned over time what our little balls of fur are saying to us. But there are some common reasons:

Command – attention, food, open the door
Stress – in the car, at the vet
Age – some cats, as they get older, just become more vocal

Does your cat have her or his own special language? What does your cat say to you?